Step 1 of curtain processing: prepare materials
To process curtains at home, everyone has the materials for processing curtains, so the first step is to prepare the materials. Curtains are not made of many materials. The basic materials include unbleached tulle, sewing pins, needles and threads, thin cards, large wooden boards or white paper dyes, synthetic sponges, tape measures, scissors, curtain rods and molds. You need to prepare a list of materials in advance, one at a time, so that you don't miss anything and slow things down. If you choose gauze, just choose what you like.
Step 2 of curtain processing: measuring and cutting window screens
The next step is to measure the size. First, measure the size of the window, you can use a tape measure, and pay attention to the accuracy of the measured data. Take out the prepared window screen, cut the window screen according to the data just measured, and pay attention to make the window screen have extra parts to fold at the bottom and sides of the curtain. At the same time, pay attention to making a deeper hem at the top of the curtain, so that it is more convenient to thread the curtain line later. After finishing, use pins and flat-head pins to sew tightly, mark the places where patterns need to be made, and facilitate the next work.
The third step of curtain processing: coloring
This step is directly related to the actual effect of the curtains, and the reason why people choose to process curtains is the realization of this step. Lay the wooden board or clean paper flat on the work surface, and then lay the fabric flat on it, starting from the right, pour the paint into the shallow tray prepared next to it, and then use sponge rubber to apply a little paint on the stamp. Then hold the fabric with one hand, and the other hand needs to make an imprint on the fabric, quickly leave within a few seconds, so that the pattern or pattern appears on the fabric, and then repeat this action until all the patterns and patterns are printed, and then put the fabric aside to dry.
The fourth step of curtain processing: sew the corners of the curtains.
Then what needs to be done is to sew the corners of the curtains. In this part, the curtain fabric should be sewn tightly. When sewing, pay attention to making the curtain loop required by the curtain. You can align the two edges of the fabric, sew three stitches with a fine needle, then insert the needle, wrap the silk thread around the needle several times, and then tighten the silk thread to make a tight loop. When sewing, pay attention to the fine and smooth stitches. Then, the sewn curtain can be hung on the prepared curtain rod.